Thursday, February 26, 2009

drôle de dame...

photographs: Patrick Demarchelier for Vogue Paris

le fond de l'angoisse

'The horror! the horror!'
Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad.
"Apocalypse now", the movie by
Francis Coppola
is based on this novel.

painting:Mervyn Peake

L'artiste et sa muse

Apparently, she burnt all the
love letters from his former mistresses
in order to avoid us knowing who they were.

painting: Emilie FLÖGE by Gustav Klimt

Les yeux de la vérité

The saying goes "a picture is worth a thousand words".

photograph:Peter Lindbergh
"le Touquet" 1987

La famille Française

"Un conte de noel"
by Arnaud Desplechin

"Sometimes it seems to me it would be wonderful to be a french family. Philosophising the entire day about life, then talk a bit of crap or argue, and afterwards go eat dinner and talk some more. And of course, smoke the entire day"
by Dana Linssen,
NRC Handelsblad
on Wednesday the 25Th of February

"Soms lijkt het me heerlijk om een Franse familie te zijn. Lekker de hele dag over het leven filosoferen, daarna een beetje slap ouwehoeren of ruzie maken, dan met z'n allen aan tafel gaan en nog meer praten. En de hele dag roken natuurlijk."
door Dana Linssen,
NRC Handelsblad
op woensdag 25 februari

le mythe des chats

I have one.
She bites, roars, rolls up and hisses.
But i love her.

photograph: Mert&Marcus
artwork:Lucio Fontana

l'armure moderne

Everybody needs something to create
the illusion of protection.
It could be a phone, a jacket,
sunglasses or make-up.
Without it, we feel insecure and naked.
What about you?

photograph:David Bellemere


"Pour jamais! Ah! Seigneur, songez-vous en vous-même
Combien ce mot est affreux quand on aime?
Dans un mois, dans un an, combien souffrirons-nous,
Seigneur que tant de mers me séparent de vous?
Que le jour recommence et que le jour finisse
Sans que jamais Titus puisse voir Bérénice...
Sans que de tout le jour je puisse voir Titus!"

Acte IV, Scène V
Bérénice, de Jean Racine

photograph by Gabor Jurina

copié collée

One is from the 19th century,
the other from the 21st century.
Is there any difference?

painting by Ingres

naissance des pieuvres

"Naissance des pieuvres"
by Céline Sciamma

madame est servie!

le crâne vide

Hair has always been of great importance for women. Long hair is not only seen as a sex symbol, but it is a sign of wealth as well. This is why deliberately shaving your hair off is being perceived as refusal of society. The most famous example is Britney Spears. However, she was not the only one: Angeline Jolie shaved her hair off as well. To me, women with no hair have a singular beauty which is a bit otherwordly. But: "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", so see for yourself!

So,what do you think?